Soldiers (conscrits) under Napoleon from the Department of Lys - Search Screen
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Op het Rijksarchief van Brugge bevindt zich in 'INV 82. Inventaris van het archief van de Franse Hoofdbesturen van West-Vlaanderen, 1794-1814'. Dit bevat de lijsten, lottrekkingen, akten en correspendentie in verband met de 'conscrits' onder Napoleon. Daarin zoeken naar gegevens in verband met één persoon is onbegonnen werk. Gelukkig was er het project 'Westvlaamse conscrits' en werd onlangs afgesloten. Liefst 58.225 steekkaarten opgesteld door wijlen Architect Roger Vergaerde werden gedigitaliseerd en voorzien van een alfabetische index. Deze interessante verzameling is nu reeds raadpleegbaar in het Provinciaal Centrum voor Familiegeschiedenis te Oostende. Meestal op de fiche zijn volgende gegevens te vinden:
Met deze gegevens kan men dan de dossiers opvragen in het Rijksarchief van Brugge of in Vincennes.
An indispensable resource for those who miss data on persons born during the late 18th century. Sometimes they also will understand why that after a long search no data was found in the Civil Register about specific individuals.The database at the Provincial Center for Family History in Ostend crucial. Also located in the State Archives in Bruges, a series of death certificates from the occupied territories in INV 313 Inventory of obituaries soldiers from the Department of Lys - unordered . The digitized draft registers of the Province of West Flanders are now also on-line and can be consulted at : (Probat is the information systen of the province). (Probat is the Archive Management System of the province). Some information about the information can be found at: . "" The draft registers could give additional informatien about the persons of whom one knows the age or birth location, but not the parents. By entering in "draft register" in Probat and the required location (and if necessary the period), one obtains an overview of registers which coild give the required informatio. By clicking on one of them, one obtains a detailed description with a list of downloadable pdf-files. How fast one can find the information is a matter of lock. There are no indexes (and they are not planned). Fortunally in the 19th century, most people stayed at the location of birth or in the neigbourhoud. Links: |